Meetings with political decision-makers and central administrations Date: 2 March 2020 Presentation of the project to the High Council of Investment 20/06/2019 Presentation of the project to the High Council of Investment 20/06/2019 Presentation of the project to the Superior Council of Investment 20/06/2019 Meeting at the Ministry of Development, Investment and International Cooperation 31/05/2019 Meeting at the Ministry of Development, Investment and International Cooperation 31/05/2019 Réunion avec l’Agence Foncière du Tourisme (Tunis) 26/07/2018 Presentation of the project to the Head of Government (Tabarka) 15/05/2019 Présentation du projet au Chef du gouvernement (Tabarka) 15/05/2019 Presentation of the project to the Head of Government (Tabarka) 15/05/2019 Contact with the Minister of Tourism (Jendouba) 09/05/2019 Meeting with the Minister of Tourism 10/07/2017 Réunion avec le ministre du tourisme 10/07/2017